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Friday 4 March 2016


THRESHING: the process of loosening (beating) the edible part of the cereal grain( or other crop) from the scaly,inedible chaff that surrounds it. its the first step after harvesting and just before winnowing which separates the loosened chaff from the grain.

WINNOWING: the process after the threshing which allows the wind to blow away the chaff ad allowing the valuable grain of seed to fall separately to the threshing floor.

THRESHING FLOOR: a flat surface prepared for the threshing of grains. after the threshing the grains would be thrown in the air for the wind to blow through the grain removing any chaff thus giving way to only the edible seed.

And have you (completely) forgotten  the divine word of appeal and encouragement in which you are reasoned with and addressed as sons? My son, do not think lightly or scorn to submit to the correction and discipline of the Lord, nor lose courage and give up and faint when you are reproved and corrected by Him. for the Lord corrects and discipline everyone who he loves,and he punishes, even scourges every son whom he accepts and welcomes to his heart and cherishes. you must submits and endure (correction) for discipline;God is dealing with you as sons. for what son is there who the father does not corrects.........for the time being no correction or discipline seems good or brings joy, but seems grievous and painful but afterwards it brings a peaceable fruits of righteousness to those who have been trained by it (a harvest of fruit which  consist in righteousness in conformity to Gods will in purpose thought, and action,resulting in right living and right standing with God)

 For the past few day the spirit of God (i believe) has placed in my spirit the words THRESHING FLOOR .now i didn't have any idea what that was  and why i was hearing those words over and over in my spirit,and so i went searching to see what i could find.( see definitions above)

last Sunday  at church our assistant pastor really went in on the word, when she got through i was beaten up (threshing floor) i felt as though she was aiming all the words from her mouth at me. honestly i wanted to cry from shame. i felt as though i was naked. i sat in my seat and prayed silently that she would get through her sermon quickly so i could get home. usually i am happiest at church especially when my husband gets the chance to worship with me on a Sunday morning. but not so last week. i wanted to get home quickly. she poke of all the things i was still doing , yet i professed Christianity

The threshing  process ( in the natural) is one of hard beatings and hard knocks.  in some cases animals were use to walk over the grains to get them loosed. in the spiritual its the Holy Sprint that does the threshing. He wants us to be perfect for storage in the barn (heaven) so we all have to go through the process of we want to make it to the  barn (heaven).

See i had just done twenty one days fasting ( the Daniel fast). i felt i did good, i prayed during the fast and ate only the food prescribed (fruits vegetables and plain water). i was riding high, (in the flesh) i did all the usual things after even some of the things i prayed about. i still had hatred, gossip, malice and lie in my heart. but sure i was on my way to heaven.(really) i was particular about where i sat in church ( at the window so i could see outside) i was a little sad if i got to church late and someone else was in my seat ( yep some christian i was)
during the sermon the woman of God through the leadership of the holy spirit went in on all those points. i knew i need to change but when she mentioned how i was just on a diet from the fast i died! really i wasted twenty one days?? truth be told , yes i did. i went to the alter and the lord confronted me and i had to give in. i need to realize that i was on the threshing floor of the holy spirit. no medicine is sweet to the taste  ad so it was as the Holy Spirit confronted me about my faults. i didn't want to let go i was holding on to my chaff (fleshly desires).

There are many Christians  today who may have had similar experiences. you feel battered and bruised from the "christian experiences'. all of us when we are called to service by God must go through THE THRESHING FLOOR EXPERIENCE. we are threshed by the Holy Spirit using many different kinds of threshing instruments. such as sickness, joblessness, homeless troublesome  neighbors, difficult co- workers,bosses who are hard on us, way-ward children unsaved  spouses even a minister speaking the truth. see our hearts must  be perfect and holy before God, he implores to present our bodies to him as a living sacrifice ( Romans 12;1) in presenting our bodies to God it also means we present our will . He sees our heart and therefore knows how best to correct us.he knows how hard and how long it will take for some of us to be loosed from the chaff ( things of the world) some of us are head strong.. God plan is for all of us to  be spiritually alive to him and be dead to the world by renewing our minds and by not conforming to the things of this world.(ROMANS 12;2)

On the other hand some of us are stubborn (like i was) we may want to hold on to things that  Holy Spirit is trying to pull us away from. i have had some relationships where i was sad and to the point of tears when i lost those friendships, i loved those persons and wanted to remained friends with them. truth be told looking back i realized now why i had to let them go, not because  didn't love them but because God was calling me to come up higher and be separated. those conversations that were shared during those times of friendship are not conversations that the Holy Sprint could be apart of.we are given the chance to choose life and the things of God yet we continue to live contrary to the voice of God, walking in our own will strong willed,head strong and hardening of the heart. this determines how long we must be threshed to make us what God intended for us. we must willingly give our lives and our will to God and yield to the voice of the his Holy Spirit and live a dedicated consistent life to God.

During our times of threshing we must turn to God with our whole hearts. we must be honest in our prayers and supplications to allow him through his blood to cleanse us and make us clean. we may find the process hard and  difficult. we find it hard to let go some things that we know is holding us back both spiritually and otherwise, the television shows we watch, the friendships we keep, social media,our fitly communications, no fasting and prayer life not reading the word of God and such. we must allow the lord to loose us from all these things immediately so our time on the threshing floor will be limited.

During our times of threshing as God seeks to loose us from the things of the world we must remain faithful to him. we must be constant in our prayers and allow the process to take place. we must surrender our will to the divine will and purposes of the almighty God. so whatever and where ever your THRESHING FLOOR  is allow God to have his own way.

You will still be tested and tried,because the devil comes to kill steal and to destroy, that is where the WINNOWING takes place, because you would have allowed the Holy Spirit of God to have his way and will in your life you have the confidence of heaven. God is able to trust you and your heart . he is able to throw you to the winds of life (like job or David) knowing that you will be free from all the chaff (stuffs and cares of life). as the carnal flesh falls away the true nature of a christian come to the surface the intentions of ensuring that self will and self gratification is done away with and the self will dies and the thru nature of a christian is born. amen.

Friday 26 February 2016


wew!!! have you ever been tired? well i have been.Tired of the norm and the "what is". i have decided to do something about it. its not an easy thing to do when you do not know the first move to make.
 I have been stuck in this state for a number of years and it is what i have grown use to,its all i know.the constant struggle in my mind about staying or leaving,moving out or staying in. i can live with the verbal abuse but the physical abuse are the ones hardest to cope with. hiding all the scares, bruises and secret tears.

When did it got here? that is a question i often ask myself while i am trying to wipe the blood from  my eyes that has been busted up my hands that i thought love and cared for me. hands that once were tender in making love or helpful in chores.but no answer came.

 I have allowed this to happen but how do i escape when i do jot know  who to go to. blaming myself was all i can do after all he did love me. he told me so after every fight, after every busted lip after every angry word. i was loved by him and no one else. he said i was not perfect but he wanted to make sure he made me perfect for him. he was the only person who showed concern for me and how could i leave all that behind.

Maybe, just maybe if i choose my words more carefully, maybe if i made dinner just the way he liked it, maybe if the house was neat.or better yet maybe if i didn't have any friends or have close association with my family ,they couldn't  tell me that he was wrong for me.  what about children? i could give him a few, certainly he would see how much i loved him.

I felt the blows of his angry arm, but i did it again . i loved him and i forgave him the instant it happened, it was my fault.if only the baby didn't cry so much. if only he would just go back to sleep. certainly a baby can detect that his dad is tired after a long day hanging out with his friends. he needed his rest to get up at noon tomorrow and do it all again. hush!!!  baby, your dad need to sleep he need to get his strength.

I could taste the familiar saltiness of the blood in my mouth. i knew that i was  close to tears but i couldn't let it out.i had ask them to stay, just until i was alone,until the children were off to school. they were every present, my tears but even today they did not come. i reached for them with every aching beat of my head...they too have abandoned me.but tomorrow is another day. i will have a chance to start over.